Lesson Plan

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Learning about the States
Hunt for Flowers
Around the Planets in 24 hours 
Finding Dates     
The Alphabet 


Lesson Topic: Learning about the States  

Author: Jodielle Hruska  

Introduction:  Students will learn more about the states. Each student will get paired up and will each get a different State.  Will be making a brochure to let other students look at.

Grade Level: 3rd

N.E. Standards: Geography

 4.20 Students will describe our nation as composed of states and locate the following on a map of the United States: Washington, D.C.; the states of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, South Dakota, and Wyoming; major rivers, mountain ranges, and lakes in the United States.                                                                                        


4.1.4 By the end of the fourth grade, students will locate, access, and evaluate resources to identify appropriate information.        

4.1.5 By the end of the fourth grade, students will identify characteristics of different types of text.

Integrated disciplines: Geography, Literature, Art

Objectives:  The students will learn about the different states. 

Materials/Technologies: Computer, paper, pen/pencil, Books about their state, crayons, and markers


Springboard: Show a map of the United States. 

T: Will start out tell the student what they will be doing. You will assign the students to their groups and what state they will be doing. Teacher will go around and help the students that need it.    

S:  Will go to library and do research.  Making a brochure about their state.  They will include the states flower, Capital, major cities, state flag, and interesting facts that they find.  Students can use the Internet if they want.    

Closure: After the children are finished creating their State brochure, have them show their creations. We will put them up on a bulletin board for show for 2 weeks.  They can take home and show family.  

Assessment:  Ask questions to the students about the states done. Have a quiz about the states to see if they were listening to their classmates. 

Explanation: I choose this because I like learning about the states.  I think that it would be good for 3rd graders to start learning about their states.  Making brochures is fun for all ages.  So that is why I picked to do this Lesson plan. 


Lesson Topic: Hunt for Flowers           

Author: Jodielle Hruska

Introduction: A list of questions about Flowers.  Surf the Internet links on this page to find answers to the questions.  Don't forget to go after the monster learning wave, and answer the Big Question. Have fun and avoid a mental head plant.

Grade Level: Grades 2-3

N.E. Standards: Science-                                                                                          

4.4.1 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the characteristics of living things.                                                                                  

4.4.2 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the life cycles of living things.

Integrated disciplines: Science, Computers

Objectives: To answer the questions given by going through the web sites, by going from one page on the Internet to another.

Materials/Technologies: Computer, Internet, pencil, paper/word processor


Springboard: Show some flowers or pictures of flowers.  Do something to attract attention and encourage interest

T:  Instruct the students in what they are to do.  Walk around the classroom helping students who need help.

S: Search the Internet pages given and try to find the  answers to the questions about flowers.  There is one question per web site, the questions are not in order with the websites.  At the end of the  Scavenger hunt please answer the BIG QUESTION. This is a very important part of the activity.  Write the answers on a piece of paper and hand it in.

Closure: Get the students together and talk about what they have just done. Ask questions about what they have just done.  Collect all projects.  

Assessment: If the students do everything correctly, then they have learned some information about flowers.  

Reference:  https://members.tripod.com/jodrusk80/scavengerhunt.htm and


Explanation:  I chose to do this because it was one of my assignments in class.  Students should enjoy it because they will learn more about different types of flowers.


Lesson Topic: Around the Planets in 24 hours  

Author: Jodielle Hruska/Vanessa Meyer

Introduction: In the past few weeks, our students have been learning about the Solar System.  For a Web Quest we decided to have the students explore  different sites about the Solar System.  We want students to explore the planets and make a story detailing what the different planets are like and include scientific information.  The students should make this a creative and fun learning experience. 

Grade Level: 3rd grade

N.E. Academic Standards:

Science-4.5 Earth and Space Science: Earth and space science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

Reading- 4.1.2 By the end of the fourth grade, students will acquire and use correctly an advanced reading vocabulary.

 Writing- 4.2.1 By the end of the fourth grade, students will identify, describe, and apply knowledge of the structure of the English language and Standard English conventions for sentence structure, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Integrated disciplines: Science, Language Art skills

Objectives: You and your team of astronauts are the main protectors of the universe from the United States. You have spent a huge amount of time in outer space observing all the delights of space. You have discovered planets, comets, stars, and other goodies form the beyond. Come back to Earth and tell your thrilling story.

Materials/Technologies: Internet access, computers, paper, pencil


Springboard:  Bring out a model of the planets

T: Teacher will introduce the lesson. Explain procedure. Walk around the  classroom helping the students.

S: You are only allowed to pick two other teammates. Select two planets and use the provided sites to help you find your information to tell your story when you get back to Earth. After you have gathered your data from your planets, you and your team will design your report about the trip. Present to America (the class), your weird and out of this world experience by showing your data and creative designs.

Closure: Bring the class back together and ask questions about what they have just done.

Assessment:  If the students answer the questions correctly and complete the project as Planned, then they have completed/learned about the Solar System. 

Reference: https://members.tripod.com/jodrusk80/webquest.htm

Explanation:  This was an assignment in class.  It was a very interesting web quest so I decided that I would have this part of my lesson plans.  Students love to learn about space so this will be interesting to see how they like the web quest. 


Lesson Topic: Finding Dates        

Author: Jodielle Hruska                     

Introduction: The class will be shown a variety of coins such as half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. 

Grade Level: 2nd grade                        

N.E. Standards: Math- 1.1.4 By the end of first grade, students will demonstrate the value of numbers (0-20) using concrete objects.                                              

1.3.4 By the end of first grade, students will identify the different units of measurement used in their environment, such as cents, dollars, pounds, gallons, liters, meters, miles, minutes, and hours.                                                         

Social Studies- 1.3 Students will construct time lines to show sequence and change, identifying examples of possible cause and effect.                                    

Integrated disciplines: Math and History

Objectives: Locate dates on money and arrange dates in chronological order

Materials/Technologies: Pennies (one per child) variety of dates between 1 - 15 years, Post - it notes, graphing paper, pen/Pencil


Springboard: Show money and ask questions about it.

T: Explain to the class that every penny has a date on it that tells the year the penny was made. Demonstrate to the class how to find the date on a penny and then record it on a post - it note.  Using the Elmo to show the students what you are talking about.  Write the date large enough to see it from across the room. The students will all be given a penny so that they can look for the date and record it on the post - it note. Ask the students different questions concerning different aspects of the graph.

S: Will be given the task of arranging their pennies' dates in chronological order. With the post - it note, they will place their date under the corresponding year which is already posted on the chalk board. After discussing and analyzing the data on the board, the class will create a graph.

Closure: Ask children why pennies have different dates on them. Go over questions that you already asked them to see if they were listening.  Instruct the students to go home and find items with dates on them . Tell them to bring a list the next day of these dates.

Assessment: The teacher will observe the students to see if they can correctly locate the date on the penny, record and arrange in chronological order. The teacher will also make note of the students participation in making the class graph and how they cooperated with one another

Reference: http://www.lessonplanspage.com/MathDatesPennies12.htm

Explanation:  This was chosen because I think that it is interesting to see all the different dates on coins.  Having the students do this it will maybe give them and interest on maybe collecting different date pennies. All children like money so it will be interesting how much they enjoy this activity.



Lesson Topic: The Alphabet                        

Author: Jodielle Hruska

Introduction: Students will be able to recognize the letters of the alphabet better. 

Grade Level: Grades 1

N.E. Standards:

Reading and Writing

1.1.2 By the end of first grade, students will demonstrate basic phonological awareness and familiarity with the letters of the alphabet exhibiting a working knowledge of letters and sounds.                                                                                                            

 1.1.6 By the end of first grade, students will print neatly and correctly.

Integrated disciplines: Spelling, Computers, and Vocabulary, Writing

Objectives: To recall a word for each letter in the alphabet.

Materials/Technologies: Computer, Paper, Pencil, Word Processor, Internet, and books 


Springboard: Show children and alphabet chart and book.

T:  Introduce the lesson; tell them what they need to do. The students need to find at least 1-5 words from each of the letters of the alphabet. After finding these words you will be making a alphabet book. Remind the student that the alphabet it very important.  Go around helping students out when they need it.  Walk around observing the class to see if they are doing things correctly. 

S: Each student will be paired up with another student. They will find 1-5 words for each letter of the alphabet. You can find the words either on the Internet or in books.  Students will write down each word on paper.  After students find their words they will go to the computer and type them out. Each letter of the Alphabet will be on a separate piece of paper.  Then the students will draw a picture of one of the words that they have for each page.  

Closure: Gather children around and have them share their Alphabet books. Compliment children on their great choice of words.

Assessment:  Ask them to think about what their favorite letter was.  Ask the students to say the alphabet.  Ask them what the first letter is and the last. 

Explanation: I chose to do a lesson like this because the alphabet is very interesting.  You can do many things with it.  And if you do something over and over again you will learn it.